Learning and Memory Problem Testing in Brighton and Plymouth, MI.
If you or your child is struggling in school, it may be because of an undiagnosed learning disability.
The brain is a very complicated system with many processes (memory, attention, verbal and nonverbal language systems, etc.). A weakness or breakdown in one of these processes can cause difficulties. It is easy for all of us to picture a broken leg, making it difficult for a person to walk. However, we can’t “see” what is happening in the brain that may be contributing to struggles. Instead, we may use terms like “lazy” or “unmotivated” without understanding the full picture.
Neuropsychological/educational testing will help us to determine if you or your child has a learning disability such as Dyslexia, Disorder of Written Expression, Dysgraphia (visual-motor aspects of writing difficulties), Dyscalculia (Mathematics Disorder) or perhaps there is an underlying, “hidden” processing weakness that may be contributing to the struggles in school. Even if the school has already completed an evaluation and said there is not a problem, it does not mean that you or your child do not have a learning disability. The school’s testing is simply used to determine if criteria are met for school-based services, not necessarily if you or your child have a learning disability.
Once we can identify exactly what is going on through this comprehensive evaluation process, our expert fully-licensed clinical psychologists provide an individualized “roadmap” of practical solutions to help you, your child or teen reach their highest potential. If you follow the roadmap we design using the data from the evaluation, grades improve, self-esteem and self-confidence improve, motivation toward school, learning and/or work improves and relationships improve.
- Dyslexia
- Giftedness
- Mathematics Disorder ( Dyscalculia )
- Disorder of Written Expression (Dysgraphia)
- School Refusal

Mathematics Disorder (Dyscalculia).
If you or your child is struggling with math despite tutoring and extra assistance, they may be suffering from a learning disability called Mathematics Disorder. School-based evaluations often fail to identify this condition, since they often are not even administering the correct tests to be able to identify it. We conduct comprehensive evaluations in order to accurately determine if you or your child has a learning disability in math.
If your child has been properly diagnosed with Mathematics Disorder, we can help you to know what to do next.
Testing for Mathematics Disorder does not necessarily mean more tutoring in math. By meeting with one of our experts in this area, we will work with you and your child to first teach you what pieces need to be in place and secondly how to get them in place. Therapy involves working with you, your child’s school/teachers, tutoring in assistive technology and multi-sensory approaches to arithmetic. We work with you and your child collaboratively to develop intervention plans so that he/she will excel in school, improve their motivation toward learning, increase their self-esteem and reach their highest potential.
Disorder of Written Expression (Dysgraphia).
If you or your child is struggling with coming up with/formulating and expressing ideas for written assignments despite extra assistance, they may be suffering from a learning disability called Disorder of Written Expression or a related condition called Dysgraphia. Evaluations done by the schools often fail to identify this condition as they do not have the correct tests to properly identify it. Our evaluations are comprehensive and will assure whether or not you or your child is experiencing Disorder of Written Expression or Dysgraphia.
By meeting with one of our experts in this area, we will work with you and your child to first teach you the key components of the disorder and how to get them to align for success. We work with you, your child, your child’s teachers, assistive technology and multi-sensory approaches to improve your child’s writing, allowing them to excel in school.
Coordinate an online counseling session with our Michigan based team today.
School Refusal.
If your child is refusing to go to school, there may be an underlying reason such as a learning disability, bullying or problems with a teacher. Your child, who was once happy and eager to go to school, has become increasingly frustrated, defiant and oppositional. It begins to negatively affect your relationship with your child because you are constantly in the role of “school enforcer” and they grow to resent you.
We know your struggle and we can help you and your child. We have been working with children who refuse to go to school in every grade for over 25 years. We have developed a comprehensive intervention approach that really works to get them back to school. The sooner we get this plan in place, the better. Do not wait to schedule an initial consultation appointment so that we can discuss your situation and begin to develop your road map to success.
Non-verbal Learning Disorder.
Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NLD, or “Right-Hemispheric Syndrome”) is a specific type of learning disability that affects learning, social and behavioral functioning. Because of its complexity, it is often difficult to diagnose and requires a comprehensive evaluation with a psychologist who specializes in this condition to put all the pieces together.
- Focus on details, but miss the big picture
- Have difficulty reading facial expressions and other nonverbal cues
- Struggle to make and keep friends
- May seem socially awkward
- Seem more literal, interpret things in a step-by-step linear way
- Have trouble understanding abstract concepts
- When pressured to perform, they often shut down and refuse to work
- Exhibit poor handwriting
- Difficulties with reading comprehension
- Have trouble “thinking on their feet”
- Seem inflexible; less likely to “go with the flow”
- Seem anxious or develop obsessive-compulsive behaviors
- Show strengths in rote memory and basic academic skills
If your child or teen is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that he/she has a Nonverbal Learning Disability. However, it is important to take a closer look. Feel free to come in for a one-hour appointment with one of our specialists to determine if testing is needed and the best course of action for you and your child. We know what to do and we are here to help.