Dr. Robert Spencer**
Dr. Robert Spencer is a fully licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified clinical neuropsychologist who conducts neuropsychological evaluations with adults. His practice focuses on assessments for dementia, TBI, and other neurologic conditions.
Here is a bit of background on Dr. Spencer:
A native of the Baltimore area, Dr. Spencer earned his bachelor's degree at Towson University, his master's degree at Loyola University, and his Ph.D. at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. He completed clinical training at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital, Clifton T. Perkins Hospital, and the Johns Hopkins Hospital system (Cognitive Neurology and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation), before completing an internship and postdoctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology through the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.
In addition to his clinical work with McCaskill Family Services, Dr. Spencer is the Chief of the Neuropsychology section at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System and is co-training director of the Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Training Consortium that is run conjointly with Michigan Medicine. His faculty appointment with Michigan Medicine is as Clinical Associate Professor. Dr. Spencer enjoys training and supervising up-and-coming neuropsychologists and has mentored two psychology undergraduates, four neuropsychology graduate students, 41 neuropsychology doctoral interns, seven postdoctoral fellows, and seven licensed professionals. He teaches a weekly seminar on interpreting psychological and neuropsychological tests. Academically, Dr. Spencer is the Associate Editor of Perceptual & Motor Skills and is a reviewer for many neuropsychology journals. He has published with local, national, and international collaborators, including over 70 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, and book reviews, and over 120 professional presentations. Dr. Spencer is a triple-board certified neuropsychologist - certified by the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABPP-CN), the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN), and the American Board of Assessment Psychology (ABAP).
**Given his position with the VA, Dr. Spencer is not able to evaluate patients from the VA at McCaskill Family Services.
- Roth RS, Spencer R: Iatrogenic Risk in the Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury among Combat Veterans: A Case Illustration and Commentary. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.01(01)
- Oberlander SE, Spencer RJ: Graduate students and the culture of authorship. Ethics and Behavior.16 (3): 217-232, 12/2006
- Provine RR, Spencer RJ, Mandell DL: Emotional expression online: Emoticons punctuate website text messages. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.26(3): 299-307, 09/2007
- Spencer RJ, Johnson-Greene D: The Cognitive Estimation Test (CET): psychometric limitations in neurorehabilitation populations. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.31(3): 373-377, 04/2009. PM18649163
- Waldstein SR, Lefkowitz DM, Siegel EL, Rosenberger WF, Spencer RJ, Tankard CF, Manukyan Z, Gerber EJ, Katzel L: Reduced cerebral blood flow in older men with higher levels of blood pressure. J Hypertens.28(5): 993-998, 05/2010. PM20408259
- Spencer RJ, Bielauskas LA: A Textbook to Remember. Brain Injury.24(10): 1244-1245, 09/2010
- Adams KM, Spencer RJ: Parsing Luria's Science in the Rear View Mirror: Luria's Legacy in the 21st Century. The Clinical Neuropsychologist.25(2): 323-325, 02/2011
- Spencer RJ Brain Injury.26(7-8): 1030-1031, 07/2012
- Spencer R, Adams K: Neuropsychology and polytrauma services. In Bush S Neuropsychological Practice with Veterans, Springer Publishing Company, (2012)
- Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Walker SJ, Bieliauskas LA: Self-reported cognitive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury are poorly associated with neuropsychological performance in OIF/OEF veterans. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development.47(6): 521-530, 09/2010. PM20848365
- Kisser JE, Wendell CR, Spencer RJ, Waldstein SR: Neuropsychological performance of native versus non-native English speakers. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.27(7): 749-755, 01/2012. PM22985952
- Drag LL, Spencer RJ, Walker SJ, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: The contributions of self-reported injury characteristics and psychiatric symptoms to cognitive functioning in OEF/OIF veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc.18(3): 576-584, 05/2012. PM22390876
- Waldron-Perrine B, McGuire AP, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: The influence of sleep and mood on cognitive functioning among veterans being evaluated for mild traumatic brain injury. Military Medicine.177(11): 1293-1301, 11/2012. PM23198504
- Waldstein SR, Wendell CR, Lefkowitz DM, Siegel EL, Rosenberger WF, Spencer RJ, Manukyan Z, Katzel LI: Interactive relations of blood pressure and age to subclinical cerebrovascular disease. J Hypertens.30(12): 2352-2356, 12/2012. PM23107913
- Spencer RJ, Axelrod BN, Drag LL, Waldron-Perrine B, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: WAIS-IV reliable digit span is no more accurate than age corrected scaled score as an indicator of invalid performance in a veteran sample undergoing evaluation for mTBI. Clin Neuropsychol.27(8): 1362-1372, 01/2013. PM24099142
- Spencer RJ, McGuire AP, Tree HA, Waldron-Perrine B, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Report of traumatic brain injury information sources among OIF/OEF Veterans undergoing polytrauma evaluations. J Rehabil Res Dev.50(1): 1-6, 01/2013. PM23516078
- Spencer RJ, Wendell CR, Giggey PP, Katzel LI, Lefkowitz DM, Siegel EL, Waldstein SR: Psychometric limitations of the mini-mental state examination among nondemented older adults: an evaluation of neurocognitive and magnetic resonance imaging correlates. Exp Aging Res.39(4): 382-397, 01/2013. PM23875837
- Spencer RJ, Wendell CR, Giggey PP, Seliger SL, Katzel LI, Waldstein SR: Judgment of Line Orientation: an examination of eight short forms. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.35(2): 160-166, 01/2013. PM23350928
- Spencer R, Bieliauskas L, Drag L: Long-term outcomes from traumatic brain injury. In Koffler, Morgan, Marcopulos, Greiffenstein Eds. Neuropsychology A Review of Science and Practice, Science and Practice of Neurop, (2014)
- Waldron-Perrine B, Hennrick H, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Postconcussive symptom report in polytrauma: influence of mild traumatic brain injury and psychiatric distress. Mil Med.179 (8): 856-864, 08/2014. PM25102528
- Flaherty JM, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Limited usefulness of the Rey Fifteen-Item Test in detection of invalid performance in veterans suspected of mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj.29(13-14): 1630-1634, 01/2015. PM26513604
- Boxley L, Flaherty JM, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Reliability and factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in a polytrauma clinic. J Rehabil Res Dev.53(6): 873-880, 01/2016. PM28273327
- Spencer RJ, Reckow J, Drag LL, Bieliauskas LA: Incidental Learning: A Brief, Valid Measure of Memory Based on the WAIS-IV Vocabulary and Similarities Subtests. Cogn Behav Neurol.29(4): 206-211, 12/2016. PM27984258
- Spencer R, Adams K: Clinical Neuropsychology. In Norcross, VandenBos, Freedheim Eds. APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology: Volume I: Roots and branches, American Psychological Association, (2016)
- Spencer RJ, Waldron-Perrine B, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Axelrod BN, Bieliauskas LA: Neuropsychological test validity in Veterans presenting with subjective complaints of 'very severe' cognitive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj.31(1): 32-38, 01/2017. PM27819490
- Besha XS, Spencer RJ, Bieliauskas LA: PPVT-I administration rules significantly shorten PPVT-III/IV administration. Int J Neurosci.127(5): 412-416, 05/2017. PM27188922
- Spencer RJ, Kitchen Andren KA, Tolle KA: Development of a scale of executive functioning for the RBANS. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.25(3): 231-236, 01/2018. PM28631987
- Hammers DB, Kucera AM, Card SJ, Tolle KA, Atkinson TJ, Duff K, Spencer RJ: Validity of a verbal incidental learning measure from the WAIS-IV in older adults. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.25(3): 266-273, 01/2018. PM28631992
- Spencer RJ, Kitchen Andren KA, Rahman-Filipiak A: Incidental learning from the coding subtest of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.25(1): 5-10, 01/2018. PM27648779
- Flaherty J, Spencer R, Drag L, Pangilinan P, Bieliauskas L: Streamlining screening of emotional function in Veterans with traumatic brain injury. J Clin Psychol.74: 1281-1292, 07/2018. PM29508388
- Morris DH, Spencer RJ, Winters JJ, Walton MA, Friday S, Chermack ST: Association of persistent post-concussion symptoms with violence perpetration among substance-using veterans. Psychology of Violence.9(2): 167-176, 01/2019
- Tolle K, Spencer RJ, Montgomery V, Bieliauskas LA: Emerging evidence for speeded alphabet printing as a measure of processing speed and working memory. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.26(6): 573-580, 01/2019. PM30183369
- Gabel NM, Waldron-Perrine B, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Hale AC, Bieliauskas LA: Suspiciously slow: timed digit span as an embedded performance validity measure in a sample of veterans with mTBI. Brain Inj.33(3): 377-382, 01/2019. PM30526120
- Waldron-Perrine B, Gabel N, Seagly K, Kraal AZ, Pangilinan PH, Spencer R, Bieliauskas L: Montreal Cognitive Assessment as a screening tool: Influence of performance and symptom validity. Neurol Clin Pract.9(2): 101-108, 04/2019. PM31041123
- Spencer RJ, Collings AS, Bloor LE: Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia as treatment for post- concussive symptoms. Medical Research.1(1)11/2019
- Shaked D, Faulkner LM D, Tolle K, Wendell CR, Waldstein SR, Spencer RJ: Reliability and validity of the Conners' Continuous Performance Test. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.27(5): 478-487, 01/2020. PM30793982
- Hale AC, Tolle KA, Kitchen Andren KA, Spencer RJ: Cross-validation of incidental learning tasks from the WAIS-IV as a measure of memory. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.27(6): 517-524, 01/2020. PM30793966
- Faulkner LM D, Tolle KA, Wendell CR, Waldstein SR, Katzel LI, Spencer RJ: Incremental utility of an extended stroop task for identifying subtle differences in cognitive performance among healthy older adults. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.27(5): 440-449, 01/2020. PM30719936
- Tolle KA, Rahman-Filipiak AM, Hale AC, Kitchen Andren KA, Spencer RJ: Grooved Pegboard Test as a measure of executive functioning. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.27(5): 414-420, 01/2020. PM30734576
- Hammers DB, Kucera A, Spencer RJ, Abildskov TJ, Archibald ZG, Hoffman JM, Wilde EA: Examining the Relationship between a Verbal Incidental Learning Measure from the WAIS-IV and Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Pathology. Dev Neuropsychol.45(3): 95-109, 01/2020. PM32374196
- Hale AC, Bohnert KM, Spencer RJ, Ganoczy D, Pfeiffer PN: The Prevalence and Incidence of Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Veterans Health Administration From 2009 to 2016. Med Care.58(3): 273-279, 03/2020. PM32049948
- Tolle K, Montgomery V, Gradwohl B, Spencer R, Stelmokas J: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Veteran Postacute Care: Implications of Cut Scores. Cogn Behav Neurol.33(2): 129-136, 06/2020. PM32496298
- Gradwohl BD, Mangum RW, Tolle KA, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA, Spencer RJ: Validating the usefulness of the NSI validity-10 with the MMPI-2-RF. Int J Neurosci.130(9)09/2020. PM31928283
- Hale AC, Nelson SM, Reckow J, Spencer RJ: Validation and extension of personality disorder spectra scales from MMPI-2-RF items. J Clin Psychol.76(9): 1754-1774, 09/2020. PM32242930
- Rochette AD, Rahman-Filipiak A, Spencer RJ, Marshall D, Stelmokas JE: Teleneuropsychology practice survey during COVID-19 within the United States. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult.01/2021. PM33471555
- Gradwohl BD, Spencer RJ: Minimal benefit to extending the stroop Interference Task among individuals undergoing outpatient assessment. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.28(4): 497-500, 01/2021. PM31526193
- Spencer RJ, Gradwohl BD, Kordovski VM: Initial Validation of Short Forms of the SIMS for Neuropsychological Evaluations. Psychological Injury and Law.14(1): 37-45, 03/2021
- Hammers DB, Duff K, Spencer RJ: Demographically-corrected normative data for the HVLT-R, BVMT-R, and Aggregated Learning Ratio values in a sample of older adults. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol.43(3): 290-300, 04/2021. PM33899697
- Sexton MB, Dawson S, Spencer RJ, Phillips D, Reckow JM, Conroy DA, Winters JJ, Bonar EE, Chermack ST: Relationships between insomnia and alcohol and cocaine use frequency with aggression among veterans engaged in substance use treatment. Sleep Medicine.83: 182-187, 07/2021. PM34022495
- Hammers DB, Gradwohl BD, Kucera A, Abildskov TJ, Wilde EA, Spencer RJ: Preliminary Validation of the Learning Ratio for the HVLT-R and BVMT-R in Older Adults. Cogn Behav Neurol.34(3): 170-181, 09/2021. PM34473668
- Stelmokas J, Rochette AD, Spencer RJ, Manderino L, Sciaky A, Hampstead BM, Hogikyan R, Alexander NB: Psychometric Evaluation of the Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale in Post- Acute Physical Therapy Services. Rehabilitation Psychology.66(4): 611-617, 11/2021. PM34591527
- Mangum RW, Tolle-Fu KA, Hale AC, Gradwohl BD, Spencer RJ: The Savage Organizational Scoring System for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test: Norms and New Data From Veterans in a Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic. Percept Mot Skills.128(6): 2561-2581, 12/2021. PM34396818v
- Spencer RJ, Noyes ET, Bair JL, Ransom MT: Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of the Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination. Clin Gerontol.45(3): 454-466, 01/2022. PM35107414
- Spencer RJ, Gradwohl BD, Williams TF, Kordovski VM, Hammers DB: Developing learning slope scores for the repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.29(4): 584-590, 01/2022. PM32654521
- Hammers DB, Suhrie K, Dixon A, Gradwohl BD, Duff K, Spencer RJ: Validation of HVLT-R, BVMT-R, and RBANS Learning Slope Scores along the Alzheimer's Continuum. Arch Clin Neuropsychol.37(1): 78-90, 01/2022. PM33899087
- Ikanga J, Basterfield C, Taiwo Z, Bragg P, Bartlett A, Howard C, Robert S, Stringer AY: The Reliability of the African Neuropsychology Battery in Persons of African Descent. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists.37(4): 839-848, 05/2022. PM35136901
- Hammers DB, Spencer RJ, Apostolova LG, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Validation of and Demographically Adjusted Normative Data for the Learning Ratio Derived from the RAVLT in Robustly Intact Older Adults. Arch Clin Neuropsychol.37(5): 981-993, 07/2022. PM35175287
- Ratcliffe LN, Hale AC, Gradwohl BD, Spencer RJ: Preliminary findings from reevaluating the MMPI Response Bias Scale items in veterans undergoing neuropsychological evaluation. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.: 1-8, 08/2022. PM35917583
- Hammers DB, Suhrie K, Dixon A, Gradwohl BD, Archibald ZG, King JB, Spencer RJ, Duff K, Hoffman JM: Relationship between a novel learning slope metric and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn.29(5): 799-819, 09/2022. PM33952156
- Noyes ET, Major S, Wilson AM, Campbell EB, Ratcliffe LN, Spencer RJ: Reliability and Factor Structure of the Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination. Clin Gerontol. 46(4), 525-531: 09/2023. PM36068666
- Hammers DB, Kostadinova RV, Spencer RJ, Ikanga JN, Unverzagt FW, Risacher SL, Apostolova LG, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Sensitivity of memory subtests and learning slopes from the ADAS-Cog to distinguish along the continuum of the NIA-AA Research Framework for Alzheimer's Disease. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 30(6), 866-884, 09/2023. PM36074015
- Hammers DB, Duff K, Spencer RJ: Demographically-corrected normative data for the RBANS learning ratio in a sample of older adults. Clin Neuropsychol.36(8): 2221-2236, 11/2022. PM34313182
- Spencer RJ, Hale AC, Campbell EB, Ratcliffe LN: Examining the item composition of the RBS in veterans undergoing neuropsychological evaluation. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.: 1-5, 11/2022. PM36369757
- Hammers DB, Miranda M, Abildskov TJ, Tate DF, Wilde EA, Spencer RJ: Consideration of different scoring approaches for a verbal incidental learning measure from the WAIS-IV using hippocampal volumes. Appl Neuropsychol Adult.30(1): 43-53, 01/2023. PM33882772
- Weigard A, Spencer RJ: Benefits and challenges of using logistic regression to assess neuropsychological performance validity: Evidence from a simulation study. Clin Neuropsychol.37(1): 34-59, 01/2023. PM35006042
- Gradwohl BD, Hale AC, Spencer RJ. Cross-validating the Executive Errors Scale of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status. Percept Mot Skills, 130 (5), 1970-1984. 2023 Jun 28: PMID: 37380620.
- Ikanga J, Taiwo Z, Lengu K, Epenge E, Esambo H, Gikelekele G, Esselakoy C, Kavugho I, Mampunza SM, Hammers D, Stringer A, Spencer RJ. Performance on the African neuropsychology battery using the learning ratio in a sample of healthy Congolese. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2023 Jun;29(5):503-511. PMID: 37161706.
- Bair JL, Patrick SD, Noyes ET, Hale AC, Campbell EB, Wilson AM, Ransom MT, Spencer RJ. Semantic clustering on common list-learning tasks: a systematic review of the state of the literature and recommendations for future directions. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023 Sep;45(7):652-692. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2023.2270204. Epub 2023 Oct 22. PMID: 37865967.
- Hammers DB, Pentchev JV, Kim HJ, Spencer RJ, Apostolova LG; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. The relationship between learning slopes and Alzheimer's Disease biomarkers in cognitively unimpaired participants with and without subjective memory concerns. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023 Sep;45(7):727-743. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2023.2254444. PMID: 37676258; PMCID: PMC10916703.
- Ratcliffe LN, Hale AC, McDonald T, Hewitt KC, Nguyen CM, Spencer RJ, Loring DW. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment: Norms and Reliable Change Indices for Standard and MoCA-22 Administrations. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2024 Mar 4:acae013. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acae013. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38441951.
- Spencer RJ, Williams TF, Kordovski VM, Patrick SD, Lengu K, Gradwohl BD, Hammers DB. A quantitative review of competing learning slope metrics: effects of age, sex, and clinical diagnosis. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023 Sep;45(7):744-757. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2024.2314741. PMID: 38357915.
- Stelmokas J, Ratcliffe LN, Lengu K, Spencer RJ. Evaluation of teleneuropsychology services in veterans during COVID-19. Psychol Serv. 2024 Feb;21(1):65-72. doi: 10.1037/ser0000810. Epub 2023 Oct 12. PMID: 37824242.
- Gradwohl BD, Mangum RW, Noyes ET, Spencer RJ: Using supplemental memory measures to refine interpretation of the repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 31(3): 274-281, 2024. PM35007455
- Ikanga, J., Patrick Plummer, S., Schwinne, M., Sundaram Patel, S., Epenge, E., Gikelekele, G., Tshengele, N., Kavugho, I., Mampunza, S., Yarasheski, K.E., Teunissen, C. E., Stringer, A., Levey, A., Rojas, J.C., Chan, B., Lario Lago, A., Kramer, J., Boxer, A., Jeromin, A., Alonso A., and Spencer, R.J. (2024). Sensitivity of the African Neuropsychology Battery Memory Subtests and Learning Slopes in Discriminating APOE 4 and Amyloid Pathology in Adult Individuals in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Frontiers in Neurology, section Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases.
- Evans LM, Wolkenberg FA, Spencer R, Ernst M: Does the DICA Accurately Diagnose Adolescents with ADHA: Concurrent and Convergent Validity, Post-baccalaureate Presentation at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2001
- Wolkenberg F, Spencer R: Ecological validity of neuropsychological and self-report measures of developmental executive function using locus of control as a criterion measure, Baltimore, MD, 2004
- Spencer R, Wolkenberg F: Internal consistency and temporal stability of the Conners' Continuous Performance Test: A state not trait measure, Baltimore, MD, 2004
- Spencer R, Wolkenberg FA, Spurgeon LS, Stenger S, Ernst M, Moolchan ET, Kimes AS: Evaluating the Efficacy of the Incidental Recall Procedures for the Digit-Symbol Subtest of the Wechsler Scales: A Comparison of Scoring Methods, Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD, 2004
- Spencer R, Oberlander SE, Gemmell LA, Malson JL: The Psychometric Properties of Neuropsychological Test in a University Sample, 26th Annual Graduate Research Conference, Catsonville, MD, 2004
- Spencer R, Johnson Greene: The Cognitive Estimation Test (CET): Psychometric and demographic characteristics in a stroke population, Washington DC, 2005
- Spencer R, Giggey P, Selnes O: The Validity of a clock-drawing task in screening for neurocognitive impairment in older outpatients, Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 2005
- Spencer R, Oberlander S, Giggey P: Alphabet Writing Speed: Reliability and construct validity for neurocognitive assessment, Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 2005
- Spencer R, Giggey P, Selnes O: The Symbol-Digit Modalities Test: Incidental learning performance, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, St Louis, MO, 2005
- Spencer R, Giggey P, Selnes O: A new test of psychomotor speed: The Timed Alphabet Writing Test, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, St Louis, MO, 2005
- Spencer R, Giggey P, Rice C, Selnes O: Memory Problems: Self-Report versus objective testing in a dementia clinic, Boston, 2006
- Spencer R, Giggey P, Rice C, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Psychometric Limitations of the Mini Mental State Examination in Older, Non-Demented Adults, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Giggey P, Kabat M, Spencer R, Kane R: Nonlinear practice effects observed on timed measures in healthy men: Findings from The Depleted Uranium Study, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Spencer R, Giggey P, Rice C, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Incremental validity associated with administration of the full interference trial of Golden's Stroop Color-Word trial, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Matthews C, Spencer R, Giggey P, Rice C, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Judgment of Line Orientation: Short forms have poor reliability in healthy older adults, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Hughitt K, Spencer R, Giggey P, Rice C, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Interference of the Mini Mental State pentagons with a subsequent visual reproductions measure, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Giggey P, Spencer R, Rice C, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Digit, Word, and Visual spans are not interchangeable measures in healthy older adults, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Rice C, Spencer R, Giggey P, Matthews C, Waldstein S: Organization of Rey Complex Figure at copy predicts recall at two weeks, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Rice C, Spencer R, Giggey P, Matthews C, Waldstein S: Long-term recall of the Rey Complex Figure: Preliminary Findings, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Giggey P, Spencer R, Rice C, Selnes O: Psychometric properties of the Warrington Memory Test in older outpatients, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2006
- Vandermeer P, Lefkowitz D, Roys S, Spencer R, Gullapalli R, Gerber E, Katzel L, Siegel E, Waldstein S: Semi-automated segmentation vs. expert ratings in hypertensive WM disease, 44th annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, San Diego, CA, 2006
- Spencer R, Lefkowitz D, Katzel L, Siegel E, Waldstein S: Blood pressure is associated with brain atrophy in older adults, Washington DC, 2007
- Provine R, Emmory K, Spencer R, Mandell D, Whyms N: Emoting to people you can neither see nor hear, Association for Psychological Science 19th Annual Convention, Washington, D.C, 2007
- Spencer R, Seliger S, Katzel L, Fink J, Waldstein S: Chronic kidney disease (CKD): Neurocognitive impairment, and ischemic brain disease in older adults, American Society of Nephrology, San Francisco, CA, 2007
- Rice C, Hughitt K, Spencer R, Giggey P, Seliger S, Katzel L, Waldstein S: A comparison of four clock drawing scoring systems: preliminary results, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR, 2007
- Hughitt K, Rice C, Spencer R, Giggey P, Seliger S, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Time estimation predicts performance on neuropsychological tests: Preliminary results, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR, 2007
- Spencer R, Rice C, Giggey P, Seliger S, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Timed alphabet writing tasks as measures of complex attention: Preliminary findings, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR, 2007
- Spencer R, Rice C, Giggey P, Seliger S, Katzel L, Waldstein S: Symbol-Digit Modalities Test incidental learning: preliminary findings in older adults, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR, 2007
- Rice C, Spencer R, Samek J, Katzel L, Seliger S, Waldstein S: Grooved Pegboard rule violations: Validity evidence, Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio, TX, 2007
- Samek J, Spencer R, Rice C, Waldstein S: Endorsement of BRIEF validity items may identify low participant investment, Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio, TX, 2007
- Samek J, Spencer R, Rice C, Waldstein S: Reliability of the Conner's Continuous Performance Test in Young Adults, Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Antonio, TX, 2007
- Samek JR, Spencer R, Rice SC, Waldstein SR: Reliability of the Conner's Continuous Performance test in Healthy Young Adults: Preliminary results, Bloomberg School of Public Health Conference for the Dissemination of Student Research on Addictions, Infections Disease, and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, 2007
- Samek J, Hosey M, Spencer R, Rice C, Katzel L, Seliger S, Waldstein S: Supplemental Data of the Grooved Pegboard: Rule Violations, Time to Remove, and Dropped Pegs, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, 2008
- Workman C, Spencer R, Hosey M, Rice C, Waldstein S: Self-reported sleep predicts performance on tests of attention and executive function: Preliminary findings, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, 2008
- Bieliauskas L, Spencer R, Drag L, Walker S: Self-reports of cognitive function are not predictive of neuropsychological test performance among returning combat veterans, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Atlanta, GA, 2009
- Perlman LM, McDowell JE, Spencer R, Cyders ME: Group therapy for chronic pain in veterans with comorbid conditions , American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, 2009
- Spencer RJ, Tree HA, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Extending Reliable Digit Span with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition Sequencing Task: Preliminary Results, Clinical Neuropsychologist.24, (4): 604-605, 2010
- Bieliauskas LA, Spencer RJ, Tree HA, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH: Demanding Perfection: Improving the Detection of Poor Effort Among Veterans Suspected of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using the Rey Fifteen- Item Test, CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST.24, (4): 563-564, 2010
- Tree HA, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans Reporting "Very Severe'' Cognitive Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury are at Increased Risk of Poor Effort During Neuropsychological Testing, CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST.24, (4): 606-607, 2010
- Swier-Vosnos A, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Drag LL, Bieliauskas LA: "Factors influencing clinical decision-making in a VA TBI clinic", 38th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychology Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 2010
- Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: "Mild traumatic brain injury has a small effect on cognitive performance among returning soldiers: Preliminary findings.", 38th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 2010
- Bieliauskas LA, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Gajewski SL: "Enough is enough: Minimizing redundancy when assessing emotional function in veterans with traumatic brain injury.", 38th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 2010
- Gajewski SL, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: "Reliability and validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale among veterans suspected of having a traumatic brain injury.", 38th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 2010
- Tree H, Ryan J, Spencer R: Prevalence, intensity, and location of MS related pain, Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA, 2010
- Walker S, Spencer R, Drag L, Bieliauskas L: Neuropsychological correlates of MMPI-2 profiles among OEF/OIF veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury, Society for Personality Assessment, San Jose, CA, 2010
- Domen C, Spencer R, Drag L, Bieliauskas L: Psychometrics of timed alphabet writing forward and backwards among veterans suspected of having a traumatic brain injury, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 2010
- Waldron-Perrine B, Tree HA, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: "Characteristics of referrals in a VA polytrauma clinic: Need for psychological expertise." American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology 9th Annual Conference and Workshops, Washington, DC, 2011
- Spencer RJ, Waldron-Perrine B, Tree HA, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Embedded Effort Measures Predict Adequate Test of Memory Malingering Performance: Preliminary Findings, CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST.25, (4): 567-568, 2011
- Bieliauskas LA, Spencer RJ, Tree H, Pangilinan PH, Suhr JA: "Reliability and validity of a scale of "need for cognition.", 39th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Gajewski SL, Spencer RJ, Tree H, Pangilinan PH, Maghsoodi N, Bieliauskas LA: "The psychometrics of brief psychiatric screening inventories for veterans undergoing assessment for possible traumatic brain injuries.", 39th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychology Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Spencer RJ, Tree H, Pangilinan PH, Suhr JA, Bieliauskas LA: "A new measure of suggestibility as measured by endorsement of urban myths.", 39th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011,: 184-185
- Carpenter CD, Spencer RJ, Tree H, Pangilinan PH, Drag LL, Bieliauskas LA: "Valid incidental learning measures derived from the WAIS-IV Vocabulary and Similarities subtests", 39th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- McGuire A, Spencer RJ, Drag LL, Walker SJ, Tree H, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: "Effort drives the association between self-reports of cognitive function and Neuropsychological test performance among returning combat veterans.", 39th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Neumann MR, Spencer RJ, Tree H, Pangilinan PH, McGuire AP, Bieliauskas LA: "Sleep deprivation has a small effect on memory among veterans being evaluated for mild traumatic brain injury.", 39th Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Pangilinan P, Spencer R: Prognostic indicators of long-term outcome in TBI, Oral Presentation, Lansing, Michigan, 2011, 2019
- Maghsoodi N, Spencer R, Tree H, Pangilinan P, Bieliauskas L: The Rey Complex Figure is moderately useful as a screen for poor effort among veterans with possible mild traumatic brain injury, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Hammers D, Spencer R, Tree H, Pangilinan P, Bieliauskas L: Limited Utility of the Rey Complex Figure Organization Score among Veterans With and Without Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Tree HA, Waldron-Perrine B, Spencer R, McGuire AP, Na SD, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: The influence of sleep on effort test performance in a VA polytrauma/TBI clinic, National Academy of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, Marco Island, FL, 2011
- Tree H, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Suhr JA, Bieliauskas LA: "Informational literature influences symptom expectation following head injury: An analog study.", 39th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2011
- Na SD, Waldron-Perrine B, Tree HA, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: "The influence of PTSD symptoms on effort test performance in a VA polytrauma/TBI Clinic.", 31st Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Marco Island, FL, 2011, Arch Clin Neuropsychol.26, (6)
- McGuire AP, Tree HA, Waldron-Perrine B, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: "The influence of mood and anxiety symptoms on effort test performance in a VA polytrauma TBI clinic.", 31st Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Marco Island, FL, 2011, Arch Clin Neuropsychol.26, (6)
- Na SD, Waldron-Perrine B, Tree HA, Spencer RJ, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: The influence of PTSD symptoms on effort test performance in a VA polytrauma/TBI clinic, 2011, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.26, (6)
- Waldron-Perrine B, Tree HA, Spencer RJ, McGuire AP, Na SD, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Associations between psychiatric symptomatology and neuropsychological functioning in a VA polytrauma/TBI clinic, 2011, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.26, (6)
- Waldron-Perrine B, Spencer RJ, Tree HA, Chen S, Na SD, Pangilinan PH, Bieliauskas LA: Prediction of reported post-concussive symptoms in a veteran population: contribution of injury-related factors and emotional distress, 2012, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.18, (S1)
- Spencer R, Putnam S, Adams K: Grooved Pegboard is an acceptable embedded performance validity measure among medicolegal evaluees, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, 2013
- Adams K, Spencer R, Putnam S: Cross-validation of the Grooved Pegboard test as an embedded performance validity measure, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, 2013
- Putnam S, Spencer R, Ross S, Fichtenberg N, Adams K: The MMPI-2 in the Assessment of Pain and Sleep Disturbance in Persistent Head Injury Complainants, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, 2013
- Stelmokas J, Flaherty JM, Andren KK, Link J, Spencer R, Bieliauskas L: Measurement of Performance Validity Using the Stroop Test in a VA Polytrauma/TBI Clinic, CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST.29, (3): 339-339, 2015
- Andren KK A, Kangas K, Sood A, Kherallah Y, Reckow, Stelmokas JE, Spencer RJ, Bieliauskas LA: Use of neuropsychological evaluation results in a VA healthcare system post-acute geriatric rehabilitation clinic, CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST.30, (3): 441-441, 2016
- Sexton MB, Spencer RJ, Porter KE, Smith ER, Rauch SA M: Sleep disturbances as predictors of suicidal ideation among Veterans seeking trauma-focused treatment, presented at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies., New York, NY, 2016
- Sexton MB, Avallone K, Spencer RJ, Hosanagar A, Conroy DA, Rauch SA M, Chermack ST: Associations between baseline sleep disturbances and therapy effectiveness and completion among Veterans engaged in an intensive outpatient substance use program, 50th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies., New York, NY, 2016
- Kitchen Andren KA, Stelmokas JE, Spencer RJ, Rahman AM, Bieliauskas LA: Predicting subjective cognitive complaints: Contributions from depression, somatic preoccupation, and education level among older inpatient veterans admitted to a post-acute clinic, Annual midyear meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, London, England, 2016
- Vitale A, Stelmokas J, Anderson R, Spencer R, Pangilinan P, Bieliauskas L: The relationship between emotional distress, somatic preoccupation, and neurobehavioral symptoms in Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA, 2016
- Kitchen Andren K, Spencer R: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, Oral Presentation, Brain Injury Association of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan, 2016
- Tolle K, Spencer R: Development of a scale of executive functioning for the RBANS, P, Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 2017
- Montgomery V, Spencer R, Bieliauskas L: Complaints of difficulties handling business affairs is predictive of poorer cognitive performances in a well-educated sample, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, London, UK, 2017
- Chadrasekharuni S, Spencer R, Montgomery V: A critical psychometric analysis of a brief measure of cognitive functioning, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program's Annual Research Spring Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, 2017
- Rahman-Filipiak AM, Reckow JM, Lengu K, Zenisek R, Spencer R: The clinical utility of the Neuropsychology ADHD Consult: A program evaluation, VA Research Day, Ann Arbor, MI, 2017
- Morris DH, Spencer RJ, Winters J, Friday S, Chermack St: Probable Traumatic Brain Injury, Persistent Post-Concussion Syndrome & Their Associations With Violence Among Veterans With Substance Problems, Alcoholism-Clinical And Experimental Research.41, : 249A-249A, 2017
- Sexton M, Dawson S, Reckow J, Phillips D, Spencer R, Conroy D, Winters J, Chermack S: Predicting partner and non-partner violence among substance using Veterans: Main and interacting relationships with insomnia, 51st ABCT Conference, Washington D.C, 2018
- Spencer R, Pangilinan P: Fake news and alternative facts: Being an informed consumer of medical science, Oral Presentation, Brain Injury Association of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan, 2018
- Tolle K, Stelmokas J, Montgomery V, Spencer R: The implications of using different cutoff scores for the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Washington, D.C, 2018
- Montgomery V, Tolle K, Spencer R, Stelmokas J: Preliminary evaluation of demographic adjusted MoCA scores and functional competence in post-acute rehabilitation, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Washington, D.C, 2018
- Montgomery V, Tolle K, Spencer R, Stelmokas JE: Preliminary evaluation of demographic adjusted MoCA scores and functional competence in post-acute rehabilitation, International Neuropsychological Society, Washington, D.C, 2018
- Tolle K, Spencer R: Referring providers' preferences for neuropsychology reports, VA Research Day, Ann Arbor, MI, 2018
- Gradwohl B, Mangum R, Tolle K, Spencer R, Bieliauskas L: Examining the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory Validity-10 as a measure of symptom validity, Midwest Neuropsychology Group Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 2019
- Cisar JA, Ritchie LL, Gradwohl BD, Spencer R: Positive Screens on the VHA TBI Clinical Reminder Signify Psychiatric Distress (not TBI), VA Research Day, Ann Arbor, MI, 2019
- Gradwohl B, Tolle K, Montgomery V, Spencer R, Stelmokas J: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment Memory Index Score Demonstrates Greater Concurrent Validity Than the Free Recall Score, Clinical Neuropsychologist.33, (4): 725-726, 2019
- Spencer R, Pangilinan P: Sleep as a Method for Improving Brain Health, Oral Presentation, Lansing, Michigan, 2020
- Manderino L, Mangum R, Gradwohl B, Spencer R: A review of symptom inventories for post- concussion syndrome, Denver, CO, 2020
- Gradwohl B, Spencer R, Spezzaferri M, Uguru O, Moncrieffe K, Nolty A, Harrington M: Modified scoring for the BVMT-R: Does awarding half-point credit improve precision in detecting memory impairment?, Denver, CO, 2020
- Noyes E, Spencer R: The Importance of Treating Sleep Apnea in the Context of TBI, Conference Proceeding, Oral Presentation, Lansing, Michigan, 2021
- Ikanga J, Epenge E, Herve E, Kavugho I, Gikelekele I, Spencer R: Are the ratio scores of the African Neuropsychology Battery better metrics of learning deficits in elderly Congolese with possible dementia?, Denver, CO, 2021
- Manderino L, Rochette A, Spencer R, Sciaky A, Hampstead B, Hogikyan R, Alexander N, Stelmokas J: Validating the Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale in an older veteran post-acute rehabilitation sample, San Diego, CA, 2021
- Correro A, Ransom M, Spencer R: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) Items Demonstrate Incremental Validity Among Veteran Outpatients, San Diego, CA, 2021
- Lengu K, Tyszkowski T, Hampstead B, Spencer R: Examining the Validity of an Executive Error Index for the RBANS for Older Adults with MRI Volumetry, San Diego, CA, 2021
- Rochette A, Rahman-Filipiak A, Spencer R, Marshall D, Stelmokas J: Clinical neuropsychology practice survey during COVID-19 within the United States: Service delivery and decision-making, San Diego, CA, 2021
- Lengu K, Padgett M, Tyszkowski T, Hampstead B, Spencer R: Learning Ratio is Better than Raw Learning Slope for Classifying Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults across the AD spectrum, San Diego, CA, 2021
- Spencer R, Rochette A, Manderino L, Sciaky A, Hampstead B, Hogikyan R, Alexander N, Stelmokas J: Psychometric evaluation of the Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale in older Veterans admitted for post-acute rehabilitation, Annual Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, CA, 2021
- Spencer R, Pangilinan PH: Optimizing brain health: What science says, The Brain Injury Association of Michigan, Virtually Presented, 2021
- Spencer R, Pangilinan P: How to spot fake science, Oral Presentation, Lansing, MI, 2022
- Hale A, Spencer R: Overview of memory and related problems following TBI, Oral Presentation, Lansing, MI, 2022
- Spencer R, Pangilinan P: Optimizing brain health: What science says, Oral Presentation, Lansing, MI, 2022
- Campbell E, Spencer R: The neuropsychology of hypoxic brain injury, Oral Presentation, Lansing, MI, 2022
- Hale AC, Spencer R: Overview of memory and related problems following TBI, The Brain Injury Association of Michigan, Virtually Presented, 2022
- Spencer R, Pangilinan PH: How to spot fake science, The Brain Injury Association of Michigan, Virtually Presented, 2022
- Spencer, R.J. & Pangilinan, P. H. (September, 2023). Boxing: The hard hitting truth. Presented at the annual Michigan Brain Injury Conference, Lansing, MI.
- Hale, A.C. & Spencer, R.J. (September, 2023). Cognitive screening: Strengths and weaknesses. Presented at the annual Michigan Brain Injury Conference, Lansing, MI.
- Hale, A.C., Alexander, C., & Spencer, R.J. (October, 2023). Ethics of cognitive screening. Presented at VA Mental Health Grand Rounds, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Stelmokas, J. & Spencer, R.J. (November, 2023). Evaluation of teleneuropsychology services in Veterans during COVID-19. Presented at the VA Neuropsychology Community of Practice monthly meeting.
- Hale, A.C. & Spencer, R.J. (December, 2023). Cognitive screening: Strengths and limitations. Presented virtually to the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, MI.
- Miller, C. & Spencer, R.J. (January, 2024). Neurocognitive Symptoms in Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Presented at VA Mental Health Grand Rounds, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Hale, A. C., Williams, T.F., Kordovski, V. M., Patrick, S. D., Gradwohl, B. D., Ransom, M. T., Lengu, K., Hammers, D. B., & Spencer, R. J. (February, 2024). Cross-Validating Learning Ratio for the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.
- Miller, C.R., Patrick Plummer, S.D., Hale, A.C., Waldstein S. R., & Spencer, R.J. (February, 2024). A Regression-Based Approach to Calculating Reliable Change. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.
- Spencer, R.J., Hale, A. C., Patrick Plummer, S. D., & Ransom, M. T. (February, 2024). More cutoffs, more problems: A case for logistic regression in clinical assessment. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.
- Spencer, R.J., Schneider, B.S., & Miller, C.M. (May, 2024). Assessing Executive Functioning. Presented at VA Mental Health Grand Rounds, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Conner, R.B., Patrick-Plummer, S.D., Richert, M., Waldstein, S.R., & Spencer, R.J. (May, 2024). Self-Reported executive dysfunction is related to emotional distress: Findings among university students. Presented at Annual Silverman Research Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Pangilinan, P. H. & Spencer, R.J. (September, 2024). The functions of Neuropsychology in brain injury care. Presented at the annual Michigan Brain Injury Conference, Lansing, MI.
- Reed, C., Benjamin, T., Spencer, R.J., & Calamia, M. (February, 2025). Using a Novel Virtual Reality Positive Psychological Intervention in a Clinical Sample of Older Adults in Senior Living Communities. To be Presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Miller, C. R., Conner, R.B., Patrick Plummer, S.D., Richert, M., Walstein S.R., & Spencer, R.J. (February, 2025). Self-Reported Executive Dysfunction is Related to Emotional Distress: Findings Among University Students. To be Presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Alexander, C., Lambertus, T., Jankowski, A., Spencer, R.J., & Suhr, J. (February, 2025). Cross-Validation of RBS-19 Predicting Performance and Symptom Validity Failure in ADHD Evaluation. To be Presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Escarfulleri, S., Spiegel, A., Malik, H., Faulkner, L.M.D., Gradwohl, B.D...& Spencer, R.J. (February, 2025). Incidental learning from Symbol-Digit Modalities Test Demonstrates Concurrent Validity in Younger and Older Adults. To be Presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Patrick, S. D., Hale, A. C., & Spencer, R. J. (February, 2025). Cross-validation of WAIS-IV Similarities- and Vocabulary-based incidental learning tasks. To be presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.